Saturn in Pisces — Moby Dick and Karma
We are here, my friends, at a time when new ways of thinking are replacing old familiar thought systems. March begins a new chapter for many of us. I have spoken about this before, how this month's dynamic change in frequency will create a shift. To prepare for this shift, please harness your own personal practices, routines, and prayers to stay clear, aligned, and balanced. You can rely on your intuition and inner knowing - as long as you stay clear. The clearer you are the more accurate the information. Being clear and being protected are 2 different things, know the difference. During the next few months external information may be confusing or unreliable; going within for answers will be invaluable. So, saddle the horse, dance to the drum, and pay attention to what is revealed for your exquisite evolution.
So many planets, asteroids, and significant geometric points are on cusps between two systems and elements. The moment allows us to figure out how to phase-in progress that evolves consciousness.
Expect changes in tempo and tone, revelations and scandals as we navigate the next 6 months. The next few months will provide a prelude, create the trailer of the movie we will create together as humanity.
Following March, Eclipses in April and May providing yet another wave of energy to surf. So get ready, practice, pray, pay close attention, and be open-hearted and open-minded. The universe is talking to you….
The drumbeat is pounding a loud message during March:
5 planets change signs
a full moon coincides with Saturn’s move into Pisces
the Spring equinox joins a New Moon just as Pluto crosses into Aquarius
The Astrological New Year begins
“This is no ordinary Spring cleaning but an extraordinary opportunity to start an entirely new chapter for ourselves (and humanity).” Pam Gregory
You will definitely notice the shift as Saturn and Pluto change signs and elements. Pay attention to what is revealed. New possibilities reveal themselves but require the release of past versions of ourselves.
The Details:
Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces on March 7th during the full moon in Virgo. Saturn (Lord of Karma and lessons) moving into Pisces (the house of spirituality and karma ) combined with the revealing light of the full moon makes this even more significant. During a full moon, we can see into the darkness, and the light reveals what was once hidden from view. WE can navigate the darkness. The full moon also can adds a beautiful shimmer to the water or a romantic soft glow that inspires. Saturn will serve either rewards or lessons, depending on your past karma and progress. Saturn unveils responsibility to the divine in word and deed. Pisces, by contrast, is unleashed artistic and mystical energy, the most watery of all the water signs. To harness Pisces effectively, create music, dance, meditate, and practice yoga with diligence and devotion, and something wonderful will happen. Commit to a routine to stay grounded and clear. It may be tempting to trance out, get lost in another consciousness, or escape mundane responsibilities during this transit. Don't! Instead, structure your spiritual practice and creativity. I promise the efforts and hard work will produce amazing, tangible, helpful results. Become your own masterpiece.
Saturn is looking to organize and create meaningful boundaries to achieve results and provide a tenable framework. Analyzing our established boundaries will be a key part of the work Saturn will do in Pisces. Let go of separations that are inaccurate and wrong, and establish boundaries that assist your development and sense of self. Staying clear and grounded will enable you to download the higher frequencies of Pisces (the unconscious) and use those frequencies to create a new expression of yourself. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? The next few months will provoke us to look at our progression.
For me, this has played out amusingly. Ordinary encounters have plunged into deep spiritual and informative conversations. I don't usually speak about astrology and divine consciousness in my day-to-day interactions. That boundary is shifting as I am shown all the unexpected places I can be of use. I am finding my comrades. As an example, I recently worked with a crusty, 70-year-old, retired bricklayer who is helping my contractor. He said, (out of the blue), "ya know, I am a Cancer/Scorpio so I feel and sense things on a deep level". Of course, I already knew this about him, a very authentic, deep thinker. However, I would have NEVER guessed he delves into astrology. When I told my husband he couldn't stop laughing at the image.
The Spring equinox is March 20th and sets a tone for the entire year. It ushers in a very pleasant Aries New Moon on March 21st. New Moons seed beginnings, and at 0d of Aries - the world axis it calls for bold courageous action. This one ends on a sweet note with the new moon promising useful information. Again, the Spring Equinox at the time of a New Moon, two beginning markers that are symbolically significant. In addition, Pluto is on the threshold between Capricorn (tradition) and Aquarius (invention), adding transformation to new beginnings, too.
So, yeah, a lot is happening. The next three months provide a gateway as planets cross over from one energy and element to another. This is only the prelude.
PLUTO IN AQUARIUS - Crisis of being Human
Pluto, the god of the underworld, enters Aquarius on March 23rd opening portals between the worlds. What are the ideals to hold dear?… Pay attention to this foray between Capricorn and Aquarius over the next 18 months, especially the next 3 months - see what comes up for you. Much progress and enlightenment can come from positively using this information. Pluto weaves in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius until late November 2024 when he firmly sets his gaze on Aquarius for 20 years.
Aquarius is hope and humanity realized through revolution and visionary changes. The Tower card in Tarot is the perfect representation of the energy of Pluto in Aquarius. Aquarius is one of only three human zodiac signs (with Virgo and Gemini), it rules the house of joy, hope, and supportive friends. It realizes what it means to be human in its most idealistic form. As the water bearer, Aquarius is the bringer of refreshing life-giving renewing water. Water holds consciousness and Aquarius pours his cup onto the earth releasing a higher consciousness. He teaches wealth is in our human connections and interactions.
The Total Solar Eclipse on April 20 is square Pluto just after he moved into Aquarius. Pluto is sending Aquarian waves into the atmosphere and The Eclipse is made more potent. The Eclipse is at the last degree of Aries, on the threshold between Taurus, perhaps highlighting what needs to be corrected. but that’s another story….
I’d love to hear how things play out for you.
Stay in the light, keep up and you will be kept up!