Let the Sunshine In - Summer Solstice
June 21, 2023
The longest day of the year, bask in the light
The Summer Solstice Energy point
The longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice is upon us on June 21st.
This Shower of light shines on us, in us, and for us…make good use of it.
Please send light and healing to mother earth, and whisper a prayer to the wind.
Don’t forget to put your crystals outside (in a shady area) to soak up energy, clear and recharge. Don’t forget you are a crystalline structure too. This is a good time to clear away obstacles, release patterns or chart new directions. It actually begins with the New Moon on Sunday, June 18th .
New Moons are starting points, brainstorming, and seed planting times - great for inner reflection. The earth’s magnetic energy intensifies during the solstices creating 3- 4 feet high magnetic fields for a few days on either side of the event. Dowsers are saying this year it will last much longer than a few days making it especially potent. It is believed prayers, thoughts, and connections have more power during this time. This is why ancient sacred sites were aligned to the events and people gathered there to celebrate and pray during these times. Please send light and healing to mother earth, and whisper a prayer to the wind.
The summer solstice is always in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 0 degrees. Cancer is all about your home: it rules women, children, domestic issues, family, ancestors, memories, and homeland. It represents the place of the womb, which is where its ocean connection (the earth’s womb) comes into play. This is a perfect time to connect with nature and the ocean, or simply walk barefoot on the earth to recalibrate your own energy field or sit against a tree to meditate and connect. What are you birthing into existence? What is your creation?
In my own personal sphere, I have so many friends and family expecting babies this summer! It seems this creative flow is actually materializing as beings. It is so exciting and happy. I can’t wait to meet them all. It brings home the fact that everything we do affects generations to come.
For those of you that know the fire ceremony, it can be a helpful tool for release and clearing. I am linking a fire ceremony tutorial from “the Four Winds Society” below
Fire ceremony: https://fb.watch/l9xYhbyXtZ/ It can be a powerful family ritual as the outside fire pit dies down - just before the marshmallows get roasted.
You know I feel strongly that light workers are being activated now ( through 2026). If solstices are a “gateway” the activation and call might be _"do you move from a light worker to a light warrior" These are not my words but one of a channel, however, it fits so perfectly with the many astrological patterns happening and puts into words what I feel is happening.
Neptune is on the threshold between Pisces (surrender) and Aries (warrior) for the next 2 years,
The Lunar nodes are moving now into Aries / Libra axis, the Warrior and Diplomat for the next 18 months. Both warriors, one of action and one of words.
Venus (beauty, what we desire) is spending an extra long time in Leo over the summer. She is helpful and brings her light and gifts in sunny and playful Leo (the heart). Maybe what makes your life worth living is your own creative expression. You might find confirmation of it over the summer.
"A worker of light - is an individual who is aware of the energy light and utilizes this for healing self and others, acquires knowledge, and has the ability to upgrade.
This individual chooses the path of harmony, surrender and in some cases transcendence.
A Light warrior does all of those things yet is missioned to clearly navigate and balance the negative micro cosmically and macro cosmically. The warrior path is one of action, integration, standing, and shielding self, others, the planet, and the environment. It may require going into darker areas to assist with the calm and protection of others. Especially assisting those who are not integrated to the light, or self-aware.” (Magenta Pixie in the interview noted below)
(for more of this interview watch Pam Gregory interview Magenta Pixie: https://youtu.be/qupp7e6Gmtc )
See what comes into your sphere of influence over the next 8 weeks, especially between June 20-July 20.
Messages and opportunities are presenting themselves. Listen.
Looking for Summertime