Indeed, the Sun still Shines…
May 26 Total Lunar Flower SuperMoon Eclipse meets June 10 Solar eclipse….
Everything depends on the amount of light you can bear.
June begins coming off the heels of a total lunar eclipse on May 26. This Lunar Eclipse is a SuperMoon and occurs mainly over the ocean spotlighting Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. Lunar eclipses are emotional in nature, asking us to use our intuition and spiritual navigation to solve problems. The moon is eclipsed by the earth getting in the way of the light of the Sun. The reality of the earth is blocking something spiritual and emotional that requires attention. The theme of "truth" will be in front of us over the next 6 months.
Eclipses usually come in pairs, and this pairing completes with a Solar eclipse on June 10. It is a ring-of-fire, solar eclipse spotlighting Greenland, the Baffin Sea, and the Arctic Ocean.
Interestingly, most of the June 10 eclipse occurs over the Inuit nation. This is the uppermost region of Canada in the Northwest Territory. A small part of Siberia is included as well.
Both eclipses feature oceanic, Arctic, and Antarctic territories, native cultures, namely Inuit, Polynesia, and Hawaiin. The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is "A Large Archaic Volume." The imagery of ancient knowledge recorded for posterity. Is it obsolete? Has it been lost? What hidden knowledge or truth will be revealed?
The following 6 months may provide more knowledge about oceanic and native perspectives. Also, Neptune AND Jupiter are in watery and ocean-minded Pisces, bringing ocean themes (and spiritual themes as well) front and center in a big way.
All this points to a transforming and purifying time ahead.
Much of the energy for June is mutable, a preparatory phase with choices. The mutable signs help us prepare for change. Listen, messages and clues are revealing themselves now.
I have been reading about young activists and that has lead to another layer of the eclipse axis. Astrology is telling us we need to move toward helping our future generations. We haven't been very focused on them. They are beginning to demand truth and accountability. I understand the Gemini/Sagittarius axis is asking, "What have the experts, Law, and Legislation done for our young?"; "What ancient knowledge are we using or writing for our future generations?"
We all know Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist making news about climate change.
She writes, "You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not."
The young messenger of change, a truly Gemini quality.
However, You may not have heard about Olga Misik, a young Russian who protested peacefully by reading the Russian constitution in a public square. She is currently being tried and faces prison time. At her trial, she made a meaningful statement to the court.
I encourage you to read it, it is transforming.
19-Year-Old Olga Misik Defied Putin's Soldiers. Here Is Her Brave Statement.
In her statement, Olga references iconic Sophie Scholl, another young activist who resisted Hitler and was put to death at 21. Profoundly, Olga ends her statement with this:
"Sophie Scholl's last words before her execution were, The Sun still shines.
Indeed, the Sun still shines. I couldn't see it out the window of the detention center, but I always knew it was there. And if now, in such dark times, we can turn to the light, then maybe victory isn't so far after all."
Perhaps these are the lines that will hold the most sway with everyone, for we ALL love our children. Maybe this is the message/questions the two Eclipsed luminaries bring at this time in Gemini and Sagittarius.
"How are we failing our children? The eyes of future generations are upon us. What is each one doing? Why aren’t the experts addressing this?
The Sun still shines, even if we can't see it, we KNOW it is there.
If we can turn to the light, perhaps victory isn't so far after all"
There are so many issues facing us, don’t be distracted with gossip…pick your issue and embrace the light. Do it for your children. Let us begin now.