The Next Eclipse, Are you ready?
Are you ready for the next round of information and energy? It’s time to upgrade.
Choose your target, set goals, be adaptable, get spiritual assistance and aim high. You can’t achieve it if you can’t imagine it.
But first, hold on… Unexpected twists and turns…
At the end of April pay close attention as Mercury (information), Venus (values and money), the Sun (leaders and our identity) all come in contact with the revolutionary and erratic Uranus. Expect revelations, changes, chaotic events, unusual people, a change in money and values as Uranus makes an impression on these personal planets bringing unexpected news, events, revelations both personally and collectively.
Think out of the box for opportunities and make changes based on long-range planning. Changes will be coming into clearer view.
Are you ready for the next round of information and energy? It’s time to upgrade.
The last few Eclipses have been on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and in my previous posts I have advised you to ask yourself, “who do you believe and why?”, “who do you follow and why?” as a way to process the Gemini Sagittarius axis. But I think what is happening is even deeper than that.
I have been struggling, trying to put my finger on what the astrology is asking at this weird moment in time. So much of what I thought was true is challenged and turned topsy turvy.
Recent Eclipses are on the learning axis but each of us is learning and believing something opposite. What is happening?
The Sagittarius/Gemini axis gathers data and turns it into understanding, belief patterns. Sagittarius asks, “What are you aiming for? Are you aiming high enough?
Sagittarius is further developed along the astrological wheel and uses facts more maturely. Still in search of information but in a deeper way looking for meaning, purpose, insight.
I have done some personal soul-searching and what came to light is early psychological “imprints” and patterning that I didn’t even realize I had. Also, cultural imprints have stepped into a bright spotlight. I have come face to face with the way I accept certain ideas and systems when they were based on incorrect assumptions. It has been a personal awakening.
I think this is what is happening and why it feels so weird. Cultural and Societal “Imprints” about work, money, gender everything… Psychological and unconscious patterns we inherited from our past at a very young age are showing themselves on the big movie screen of life.
The second week of May things calm down a bit. If there is anything you want to accomplish, don’t waste time, get it done. As the power of the Full Moon builds, things will begin to change, and soon after more planets will begin moving backward giving us a chance to review and revise. Things slow down and nothing moves forward for a while. The Eclipse on May 26 is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Sagittarius. The West coast will be able to see a small part of it in the wee hours of the morning.
This is a Super Full Moon, meaning the Moon is very close to the earth, it will be spectacularly beautiful, if the weather allows. This is a great time to head to an area where you can see both the east and west horizons at the same time. The sun will be setting in the West as the spectacular Flower Moon will be rising on the eastern horizon. This will be a beautiful sight.
In RI, where I live this will happen around 8:45 PM on May 26, 2021.
This round of Eclipses will reveal and challenge more of our Imprints. Lunar Eclipses are emotional and instinctive and the May 26 Full Moon Eclipse is also a Supermoon (the moon is at the closest point to earth) making it especially potent.
Pay attention to what comes up during this time and in the “Inter-Eclipse period” - between the two Eclipses, from May 26- June 10. Eclipses set a tone for 6 months so these same issues are likely to come round again. Eclipses can signal endings and beginnings, with a Lunar eclipse everything is out in the open, and in full fruition, a completing event.
As we get into May we have a few weeks to make some progress but then a slowing of energy takes hold as we head into Mercury retrograding, Jupiter heading into Watery Pisces, and Mars marking a halfway point from Covid’s emergence.
Mars is weak in Cancer so I suspect we have weakened the virus but I also expect to find out more about the weaknesses of the vaccine, as Mars can represent both the “jab” and the fever. At this revealing juncture, Mars will show us how far we have come to make sure we plan appropriately in the future. This is personal too, ask yourself how far have you come in this Covid world and what do you need to do to balance this reality in your own life. What have you learned about balancing your life, what actions can you take to empower yourself in a new revised world that is emerging from this past year?
A weakened Mars also suggests that police and gun reform measures have a better chance to be enacted. It may be a time of power struggles and if you find yourself in one and having to defend yourself, know that right now it is better to “move sideways” (like the crab) to gain momentum than take a direct strike. Mars in Cancer is asked to take action on emotion and family matters, act more defensively and protective, something Mars doesn’t like to do.
On May 14th through July 29, Jupiter, the great gift-giver, moves to his ancient home in Pisces, giving us a glimpse of what the next year's gifts will be. Jupiter expands all that he touches so this is a powerful time for Spirituality, Dreams, Galactic Information, and the Ocean. Neptune, King of the Ocean, the other ruler of Pisces is there already, so this is a crescendo of sorts.
Compassion, forgiveness, self-sacrifice are topics that Pisces and Neptune bring forth, now with both rulers magnifying this energy I am hopeful we may reach a tipping point where we embrace a gentler and life-giving approach to issues facing us.
During this time it is possible to dream a new vision and destiny for yourself and for the Earth. I, for one, will be using this energy to re-write my own story, bless and uplift the earth with pure water, clean air, clean food, justice and insight for all sentient creatures of the earth.
Jupiter will retrograde on June 14 heading backward and eventually re-enter Aquarius on July 29. Jupiter moves through one sign a year (roughly) and this past year he's been moving through visionary and revolutionary Aquarius. The upcoming change in sign gives us a little glimpse of what the next flavor of Jupiter will be in Pisces, during 2022. Neptune also rules addictions, so the warning side of this placement cautions us to take a look at what controls us from an external point of view.
It will be important to stay grounded during this time as all this dreamy-other-worldly energy can be confusing. Use your spiritual practices. Use Nature to ground and inspire, Journal your dreams, capture this overly creative time by writing, singing, dancing, painting, crafting - for no particular outcome, but just because. Intention and vision boards are a great way to open a new path through the wilderness. If you have spirit guides, nature guides, power animals, angels that guide you this is a wonderful time to connect and receive messages.
The Lunar eclipse in May is mostly over the ocean and New Zealand so Ocean topics will surface and I expect a lot of ocean news to flow over the next 6 months. The ocean is also symbolically spirituality, again reinforcing the theme of connecting to sources and information beyond 3D reality.
By the very end of May (May 30) Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and Mars reaches the point directly opposing where Covid first emerged. Our actions have reached a halfway point in this drama and we get to see the true results. With Mercury heading backward reversals are likely to occur and old news will suddenly have another layer added to it. Mercury will be very close to the earth at this point so information is like an overload, hard to keep track of. Back up your emails, tend your cars and double-check messages for errors and mistakes. Misinterpretations are likely so complex issues would do better with memo and phone call additions.
As June emerges Gemini will soon give way to Cancer, feelings, family, and home take center stage. This is a good time for real estate, home repairs, and decorating. The next eclipse is a solar eclipse on June 10 in Gemini, changes for merchants and socializing. It marks the beginning of a new cycle.
Use the energy in May to envision what new beginnings you would like. Set your goals, and let the universe show you the way forward.