Happy New Year 2022 - Financial Change and Spiritual Development Ahead
Dream Big, Prioritize Relationships, Go within, Create
Every year, indeed, every day provides a unique opportunity to start over, correct a path, take a step, shine our light. The beginning of the year finds Venus and Mercury in retrograde slowing down our yearning to move on. The year 2022 contains pivotal astrology, the most complex planetary conjunctions are behind us; the frequency has shifted, the impact weakens, but the work and adjustment continue. New cycles start when outer planets meet, exacting change. Many of us are weary from the unrelenting changes and rebounding events of 2020 and 2021. There is one more conjunction ahead as Jupiter meets Neptune in empathetic Pisces. However, this is can be a rare and beautiful gift. But, of course, the planets don't cause anything to happen; they add energy to change the frequency in specific areas. Our reaction and use of these energies spur evolution or devolution. Are you ready to raise the frequency to take the jump? Use the following information to plot your course and understand where the energy is exerted. It is a cosmic map of where the frequency is changing.
The Frequency:
2022 is a magnified vibration of 2 and 6, emphasizing duality, relationships, possessions, and choices. Keep this in mind as you face events and information.
The Gift: Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces
The beautiful gift offered this year is one of accelerated spiritual development and connection. Initiate the step. Ask for what you need. Go within to find the truth.
The Test: Saturn
To think rationally and logically with an eye towards innovation and a heart tilted towards community and humanitarian ideals. To detach from the emotional cloud and work to structure the community you want to live in, one that reflects your objectives.
What requires more consideration: Retrogrades
Venus - until February 14th
Review your relationship with authority and ambition. Does it serve you well? How are your relationship structures, where do you need to be encouraged, how do you nurture loved ones—do you engage in fair and equitable relationships, and what is your power?
Mars - October - November
Assess the purpose of communication and how it affects your thought process. There can be no meaningful communication where an agenda exists. Are the messages received pure, divisive, or straightforward? Is the truth manipulated? Examine how you connect socially. Is this working for you? Learn, Study, Teach, Grow.
Trends and Shifts: Eclipses move to Taurus / Scorpio axis
Wealth, Food, Water, the Earth, Secrets, Power Struggles step into the spotlight.
Looking for Inspiration?
Watch the film Nine Days
I watched this film on Prime Video, and yes, it did change my point of view and truly inspired me. I watched this after the holidays as Jupiter entered Pisces linking its positive impact with how I plan to use the upcoming Jupiter/Neptune conjunction. The final scene is a Wowser!
A reclusive man conducts a series of interviews with human souls for a chance to be born.
Another film I enjoyed and found helpful is "Don't Look Up," available on Netflix. It is a stark look at the contemporary culture that has developed in America. A comedy Disaster film. After viewing the film, I came to a firmer understanding of what part I want to play in the world.
Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces is the most significant aspect of the year, meeting, blending, exaggerating all things mystical and all things of the ocean. Pisces is the most sensitive and receptive sign in the zodiac, symbolized by one fish swimming with the current and the other swimming upward, searching for higher consciousness. The two fish are tethered, pulling one another from their desired direction. Your awakened senses and experiences may pull you away from the mundane current of life, as well as back from the spiritual ethers to earthly reality.
These Planetary forces provide immense spiritual support, compassion, imagination, and otherworldly assistance—a rare and beautiful gift of awakening. On April 12th, Jupiter and Neptune meet, creating an exquisite opportunity for intuition and connection to other dimensions. These planets ask us to go within to find our truth. The trick is to use the spiritual to form practical solutions to enhance your life and well-being.
It is an outstanding and unique opportunity to hone your intuition and access spiritual guides. The realm of dreams, the subconscious, and the unconscious will become very potent. This year's adventure is art, music, poetry, dreams, mermaids, gurus, and gods. Faith, the search for truth, meets a mystical portal opening. You can realize your dreams the energy supports them. Neptune erases boundaries and seeks to merge, searches for wholeness while Jupiter expands all earthly matters and blesses. Together, these planets provide a gateway for a quantum leap of faith and make possible what was once impossible. Dream BIG! Lightworkers all over the globe should be feeling this already. This aspect portends art (film, photography, videos, music) will be the venue to lead us past our differences to find real practical solutions. If you have a crisis of faith or are in a state of confusion and loss, use art to relieve the pressure and make the way towards unity and inspiration.
This exquisite, refined and beautiful energy is truly a gift at a high frequency. However, at a lower frequency, it can manifest as issues surrounding addiction, spiritual escapism, deception, confusion, extreme self-sacrifice, and victimization. It may call you to face addiction, see where you are entranced, or reveal a victim mentality. Alternatively, you may help someone through these issues. It will exaggerate the boundaries of the ocean and water in general, so I anticipate the rise of sea level to be dramatic and for the sea to show its power and problems.
Flooding can be extreme; the last time Jupiter was in Pisces 12 years ago, France and Europe were significantly affected by flooding.
What is the purpose of this transit? Astrology counsels us to look to Virgo to balance Pisces. This activated axis brings spiritual connection to aid our powers of discrimination. Understanding a larger truth allows us to analyze practical solutions to serve our purpose. On a spiritual level, they complement each other. Pisces represents the total of everything, while Virgo represents that part you are aware of and are actively working on. Virgo is pragmatic and exact. Both these signs are required to serve, one because it knows this logically and analytically through its mental processes, the other because of the genuine infinite kindness of its heart. Please make the most of it now. When Jupiter moves into Aries, the inner work we do now will manifest bold action in 2023. The mutable energy of Pisces is one of preparation and renewal before the action begins.
What to do?
Keep a dream journal, connect to guides, pray, use music and art to find a deeper part of yourself. Draw, journal, paint, write songs, dance, use art to connect to everything. Realize we are connected to everything. Connect to nature, practice Tai Chi, celebrate ceremonies, make offerings, construct a medicine wheel, or develop meditation practices. The point is to explore your intuition and subconscious and connect. Program crystals, ask trees and plants for wisdom, talk to water, become an earth keeper. Positive energy joins with other high vibrations and dispels the darkness. So add positive energy, expect positive results, and shine your inner heart boldly.
I don't expect 2022 to be an exceptionally stable year, more like a seesaw, with extremes bouncing one way then the other. The polarity is strong and the remedy cooperation. The number 2 perfectly depicts both of these, and Oh boy, does 2022 have a lot of 2's. This promotes partnerships, relationships, a search for harmony by facing the opponent. Adding up to a 6 (2+2+2) and being an even number will ease last year's struggle. We will realize the only path forward is together. How hard it is to get there is up to us. Two is also about choices, and 22 is a master number, so the choices we make now are more critical than ever.
"Master Number 22 is called "Master Builder" or the "Master Architect." It holds so much power that it can turn big dreams into reality if sincere. The number 22 in numerology is very inimitable. The original Hebrew alphabet consisted of 22 letters, representing everything from creation to eternity. Circles also prominently refer to the numerology number 22, and thus it represents the totality of creation. This number carries a very high amount of nervous energy, even for the Master Numbers. Therefore, the powers are unlimited yet orderly, and they are intuitive and yet a bit rational."
from ganeshspeaks.com
While we are talking about 2's...
February is the second month and starts to unpack the power of this Master number. Keep an eye on 2/20/2022, the Pluto return of the USA. Pluto moves very slowly, so we have felt this for a while. However, the intensity grows until it perfects in February and will continue to influence the next few years. Pluto is slow, and changes build rather than surprise. However, the shock may be Pluto's ability to unearth scandals that tend to reshape public opinion.
America has Pluto in Capricorn in the second house of money and values. Expect changes in property, security, and traditional American values. The American dream is in for a reboot, letting go of obsolete imprints and aligning with higher ideals. The crescendo is happening. The United States' task is to reaffirm its founding values; are they still relevant? I genuinely believe that most Americans value human rights and the disgruntled noise we are hearing is a small faction that won't sway what we hold dear as founding principles.
Expect a financial and even a constitutional reset. Pluto is never a comfortable transit. However, it is just as likely to endow power grant wealth and perseverance to those you never expected as it is to take it from those you never thought could lose it. This year could be a breakthrough.
My friend, astrologer Jan Evans writes, "On the collective level, the issues illuminated now are how to use our power going forward, who is in control, and what type of government we will have. These are not small questions; they are existential. This axis could also be understood as the polarity between the patriarchy/Capricorn and the matriarchy/Cancer. Cancer emphasizes maternal nourishment and protection, our emotional ties to our family and the past. On the personal level, we may be thinking of our mothers, we may notice how our connections, or lack thereof, to our ancestors or families of origin, our mothers especially, color our present situation, even dominate it in many cases, The maternal bond is one of, if not the, most substantial contacts we have as human beings. Whether it is positive or negative, it is a significant determinant in our relationships throughout life. And so it is as we neglect our connection to Mother Earth and Mother Nature, another concept with Cancerian overtones, at our own peril. This is when Mother Nature and ancestral energy may move us to recognize and respect the divine feminine and maternal. "
This reminds me of the great strides and public pressure the "Mothers of Murdered Sons" in Columbia and The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers had on the world. Together we find a common goal, we create the change we want to see.
The deflated climate conference couldn't act out of fear of economic consequences. However, the climate crisis's disastrous economic impact is already affecting us. The beautiful spiritual energy available this year can connect and provide aid through prayers or ceremonies. It is all so wonderfully synchronistic. Let Nature transmute anxiety and sorrow, let the spiritual support us, and help find the answers. Remember you have to ask to receive it! We can't go wrong if we honor Mother Earth, cherish each other.
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.' - Shakespeare.
Perhaps this year we will become one family. Mars and Venus will be meeting up with each other and Pluto to hopefully set a "young lovers" tone of optimism for the way forward. I remain optimistic. Venus and Mars will form a conjunction on February 16th. On March 3rd, Venus, Mars and Pluto will form a triple conjunction at 27 degrees Capricorn. This is remarkable but made even more because Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in Aquarius and a full line up of Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The powerful lovers, hopeful information, and Spiritual consciousness all happen simultaneously.
The Lessons:
Saturn is the taskmaster, the examiner. He tests the integrity of the area he occupies and is best used to establish a framework or structure. He can provide long-lasting stamina and signal community and humanitarian work ahead. He reveals weaknesses. He is the timekeeper and shows time is of the essence. Saturn is the ancient ruler of Aquarius, so his presence here is strengthened and more beneficial than malefic. In Aquarius, he is quicker and more future-minded. Aquarius rules innovation, space, nuclear energy, electricity, the internet. The limits and weaknesses in these areas will bring quick inventions and upgrades. Progress in upgrading the electrical grid, energy, and oil rigs is on the horizon.
Additionally, restrictions are likely placed on the internet companies, and cryptocurrency. Saturn tells us to slow down, structure these areas, adjust the current status quo. He tests these structures ahead of Pluto's entrance in March 2023, when the information age conquers the industrial age.
Uranus and Saturn are working together, hand in hand. So Uranus will exert pressure to awaken us to the earth's limits, challenging our resources. Expect disruptions in electricity, petroleum, and food to manifest, heightening the need to innovate these systems. Uranus is unpredictable and swift in Taurus, and he is likely to manifest as fast-moving weather or earth event. I plan to keep my gas tank filled and extra pantry items on hand. Uranus loves to shock and surprise.
Additionally, Taurus calls all gardeners to a food Renaissance where rooftop gardening, indoor gardening, growing a portion of your food will be "in" industrial farming is on its way "out." The earth is becoming the Empress. Many astrologers see Uranus' move into Taurus as the emergence of the "new earth": health innovations, diversified organic and lab-grown agriculture, green building. For example, you can bet the electric car will be mainstream as Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025. Innovation meets the builder.
What to do?
Start a garden, join a community garden, partner with your local farmers market. Grow. Try something new. Look to your sphere of influence, see how you can be of service. Prepare for interruptions in electricity or food. Keep your eye on storms. Connect to the Earth.
Areas to Review, reassess, and repair: the Retrogrades
Venus is spending a long time in Capricorn, retrograde and dancing with Pluto: December 19th to January 29th. As Venus changes direction and moves forward (January 29th), scandals regarding influential people surface, and power dynamics shift. Women gain the upper hand. During Venus retrograde (December 19-January 29), you may have reprioritized personal relationships and authority structures, former associations may have resurfaced, or you might have come to terms with an ex. She leaves her shadow and starts gaining momentum by mid-February. Are your professional relationships serving you well? As Venus emerges as the morning star, she gains vibrancy growing brighter and higher each month. Rebuild relationships, take back your power using charm and persuasion. Get to win/win solutions over the next nine months.
Mercury is retrograde in Air signs starting with Aquarius, then Gemini and Libra. Reexamine your thoughts and mental body. Starting with rebellious ideas, the information you gather, and the fairness of those thoughts.
We find Mars in retrograde (October 30th, 2022 to January 12th, 2023) at the time of the last two eclipses - Repressed anger about communication meltdowns. A call to adjust and reorganize strategy, social connections, and gathering information. Gemini is opposite Sagittarius, so this activates a search for truth. Mars will infuse tension and division in messages and news - likely mixed messaging will split communication into two separate and opposing camps. This doesn't bode for a smooth election, and you can see how arguments and extremes will collide. As another dual sign, this time Gemini, the twins are reinforcing the numerology of two: Choice, duality, and opponents. Mars gives us a surge of energy going back and forth, providing ample opportunity to figure out and get it right. Don't get mad; do something. Our search for inner truth and practice of detached, logical reasoning would help us get through this tense point if we did the work earlier in the year. Mars retrograde does not favor those that start the argument. Mars likes to move swiftly; however, his unusually long stay in Gemini allows anger to be more data-driven and accurate.
To use this energy positively, try something new (become a student) or give a class (become a teacher). Connect with schools and young people. Don't act impulsively; gather data. Make use of the spiritual heights achieved at the beginning of the year. If a spiritual path reveals itself, this is a fabulous time to apprentice or study.
As I write this portion, the moon's nodes have officially moved into the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The last three days have seen the stock market trend downward; tech stocks were especially hard hit. Please know I am not an expert on financial astrology, but I look to this as the first inkling information of a wider trend for the next 18 months as the nodes move through those signs. On a fundamental level, my opinion is that the stock market will remain unpredictable, keeping with the seesaw pattern I mentioned earlier. There will be significant changes to finance and wealth, big winners and big losers. As technology companies expand into finance, traditional banking and governments react. This tug of war creates market turmoil and manipulation. Astrology seems to indicate the market's recent bull run will not continue, and real practical tangibles like land, homes, and water gain currency. The financial reset is building.
I can reveal that the north node placement is favorable for growth (Taurus). Taurian themes are about money and where it is kept, the earth, food and shelter, practical, tangible things. On the other hand, Scorpio is sporting the south node, an area to release; outmoded ideas of sexuality and power struggles.
Keep an eye on the true node and planets as they move through Taurus especially interacting with Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn. The Eclipses in April and May will further impact these themes. April's eclipse highlights the direction for growth, and May's eclipse highlights where we need to release. Taurus begins April 21st - May 20th as the Sun enters Taurus. Venus and Mercury travel close to the Sun, providing a significant period to see how these patterns play out. This will likely be a very volatile period.
Industries on the rise are real estate, agriculture, farms, construction, infrastructure upgrades, singers, art and art dealers, food, and luxury goods are "in" and growing stronger. These areas are poised to increase in cost. Clean food, Clean water, Clean air will gain importance and be more closely looked into.
Alternatively, Third-party payers, the insurance industry, taxes (especially estate taxes), issues regarding reproduction, and sexuality could all take a hit. Scorpionic sectors are poised to deflate: mining, insurance companies, mortgages, refuse, governmental agencies. The shift of the nodes (previously Gemini and Sagittarius) eases education and commerce issues and brings to focus money, sexuality, food, water shelter, and its quality and affordability.
The eclipse periods of April and May, November and December are influential, occurring in fixed signs forming squares to Saturn. This fixed square turns a corner regarding sustainability, pinning resources with creative community ideals. Fixed signs are resistance to change, and Saturn provides a restrictive element. Saturn is the focal point, and his "careful innovation" message applies pressure to resources and trust. In Aquarius, Saturn tests our community ideals. Two potent eclipses occur just before and on election day in the United States. The stakes are high.
April 30th Solar Eclipse is at 10 degrees of Taurus and in a sweet aspect with many planets in Pisces. This is a spiritual gift to those who make use of it.
May 16th a Total Full Moon Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio is in a tense T-square with Saturn and the Moon. The tides change?
October 25th, the Lunar Eclipse finds the Sun, Moon, and sweet Venus at 2 degrees of Scorpio. Jupiter is at 0 degrees of Aries, an extremely sensitive and powerful point related to high public visibility and global changes. This happens just before the November US election. The New Moon represents a seed planted, and with Venus's softening presence of beauty, commonality, and love has the potential to bring us together.
November 8th, election day in the USA, is a Total Lunar Eclipse where the eclipsed full moon and Uranus are at 16 degrees of Taurus square Saturn. Expect the unexpected. Prepare to be surprised.
For a clearer personal picture download your astrology chart and find how signs and houses correlate. The houses determine the areas of life that will be affected by the planetary transits mentioned.
You can begin here: https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/birth-chart/
For personal readings feel free to contact me or view my website
Love, Light and abundant blessings on this amazing trip around the earth,
Linda Nugent 781-264-6929 nugentl@mac.com