New Year Overview 2021
Happy Holiday Season and New Year! As we are on the threshold of 2021 hoping for relief from a difficult year, let us not forget…It is a remarkable time to be alive!! Life is beautiful and this past year has laser focused our attention on what is important. I am sure 2021 brings hope and I believe a new consciousness is dawning on the earth.
The astrological outlook is more upbeat, lighter and dare I say it, “Hopeful” in 2021. With that said, January, February, and March will continue to be an intense period as we emerge from the chaos, grim reality and contentiousness that surrounds us. January and February are very intense with high dose of energy that might not be easy. Thankfully, the heavy triple conjunction that started in December of 2019 (Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter) and revealed Covid-19 is waning. Whatever has changed is over and the transformation will continue to be sorted out until Pluto leaves Capricorn in 2024. Once we get to March the rest of the year will be a bit easier and we get to sort out and decide how to best reorganize.
Next up is the “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius on December 20-21, 2020. It occurs at another critical degree - in a fixed air sign, on the solstice. I know this is a lot of astrological detail, but please bear with me, I am setting the stage to introduce the synergy that is taking place now and continue to build through 2024. A new renaissance period is emerging. It is truly a gift to be witnessing this transformation, and I know many of you started the ball rolling in the 60’s and 70’s.
November and December of 2020 are packed with energy: 2 eclipses, 2 planets hitting critical degrees demanding a “wrapping up” of lessons and trials, 3 planets changing signs and the grand finale of 3 powerful outer planets transfiguring the world. This could be traced all the way back to 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn bringing a reckoning of the financial crisis. In 2018 Saturn joined Pluto testing the integrity and limits of all things Capricorn namely, Authority, Infrastructure, Control and Integrity. Jupiter joined the party last year, stripped of its’ usual benefic qualities, and only exaggerated the problematic issues that surfaced! It’s been quite a year and I think we are all looking forward to turning the page and writing an entirely new chapter. Pluto doesn’t leave Capricorn for a couple years and will continue to deconstruct and transform government and the obsolete structures of our world. Alone he is less destructive and Jupiter and Saturn have moved on to a lighter happier party. Good news.
On December 21st 2020 the winter solstice unfolds a new cycle of expansion (Jupiter) and long lasting structures (Saturn) in progressive, visionary, and humanitarian Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years. This usually results in a change of geo-political allies and ideals. However, this time, the 2020 conjunction completes 2 cycles: a 20 year cycle that started with a conjunction in Taurus in 2000 plus a 200 year cycle of conjunctions meeting in the earth element. When conjunctions shift element it is called a “Great Mutation” and it marks the end of an era and the start of a new one that lasts roughly 200 years. You may have read about or stargazed the 2020 Christmas star - the two planets are aligning extremely close - separated by just one-tenth of a degree. The last time they were so close was 1623, four centuries ago. I believe this time we will also broaden our view and our place in the universe.
These outer planet aspects, especially conjunctions, are seen as portals that open to pour out a stream of consciousness. Remember, we just went through a major conjunction of 3 outer planets and another is happening on its heels. After last year and the first two months of 2021, that consciousness will get a chance to take hold and percolate. Those gates will continue to be activated for a while but the bell curve tip is passed and we will get to take action and address the information that it brought.
Back to Aquarius and the new cycle beginning. Aquarius represents creative mental work and insight, abstract thought, long range vision. It has high humanitarian ideals and works toward the collective good through logic, science, imagination and progressive ideas, free from the what has always been. Aquarius’ virtue is humility and hope. It is represented in tarot by the Star Card, which is interpreted as “dreams fulfilled”. I am encouraged, as this meet up happens on a world degree, in the sign of hope and possibility, with fixed enduring long lasting energy - I think the idea of "Build Better” will take root quickly once we move beyond our current problems.
The trend in 2021 is moving from earth to air and persists throughout the year. Air is quicker, less resistant, intellectual and social. We have a bit of a rest from the heavy dense earth energy cycle we have been in for the past 2 years. Mercury retrogrades in air signs this year and ideas and ideology will be front and center.
Even though the themes have changed we have some real work ahead of us, collectively and personally. As I looked at the trends a few themes emerged, and some hard aspects between Aquarius and Taurus will certainly push and pull us all to hone our beliefs and define our community. The old way will balk against new ideas, BUT I see a quick change of heart and minds happening. We can’t go back, we need to build better - it will take hold. There is too much pressure to expand and explore. Invention and Innovation are the new cool thing.
So what can we make of the astrological trends of the year personally?
The most important thing you can do this year is hold a higher vision of the kind of world you would like to live in. Be thankful to and for everything and everyone. I can’t stress enough how important keeping in a higher vibration will be this year. After February it should be easier, the drama will be dialed down and we can begin to breathe again. The energetic downloads will be working to open more consciousness across the globe. It is very important to be in a coherent vibration so the energy has its most beneficial effect. We are becoming more psychic and our thoughts will soon be able to manifest faster…CAREFUL! The portals are open. As part of the Fellowship we have all been working toward this for a long time. The Fellowship is invaluable resource now and it is our time to step up into the light. Be grateful, spread happiness and love with every breath. It sounds corny but it is the only way through. You don’t have to do anything necessarily, just BE yourself authentically. Aquarius demands and supports it.
2. Be Uniquely You
3. Look after your community and neighbors.
Define who your community is…
Ask yourself, Who is my community? Do I use my creative potential to contribute?
Is contribution about enhancing group integrity or gaining special privilege?
These might be good questions to put to our information sources and leaders… What is their purpose for being in our community?
We may also be thinking more about our place in the “galactic community," with our vision extended we may reach for the stars and truly see ourselves and the earth very differently. The last element change brought the invention of the telescope and a whole new way of looking at humanity. This time the element of air will bring social change as well as the full scope of an information age. Where this galactic information was just idea before the concept will take a bigger hold as leaving earth becomes more likely. Social interaction, Artificial intelligence, we are redefining life and consciousness.
I recently viewed an amazing interview with Rory Duff, exploring the connection between the lei lines of the earth, the solstice, and galactic waves that seem to correspond with ancient prophesies and wisdoms about the cycles of ages and consciousness. If you are so inclined I highly recommend a listen, it is fascinating and hopeful.
You can find it here:
Rory brings us up to date with important information about what is now happening and how we need to greet the incoming waves of cosmic energy and their implications for the human race.
4. Make an effort to demand, find and spread the truth: Step away from the drama. Who/what do we believe and why? How can we find the truth and information we trust?
Information, Misinformation and disinformation are major themes for all of us to grapple with this year. The question is more about beliefs than facts
More Generally….
The Internet: With Saturn entering Aquarius the internet may face some limits, interruptions, and difficulties. REGULATIONS? Saturns ultimate goal is to build practical structures and ground it to reality. But Saturns influence will bring restrictions in order to do this. Saturn is change through loss.
People with Aquarian/Leos sun sign, rising sign or moon signs may face some restrictions this year too. Saturn is urging you to “get real”, make it tangible, build something. Make the best of it by creating stronger structures and join groups that provide support, put in the hard work, and keep your ideas practical and reliable.
Aquarius is very strong this year and as the Water bearer…
Water will become very prominent and all issues of clean water, control of water, floods, oceans, rivers and streams.
Aquarius, ruled by Uranus represents Technology, Invention, Electricity and Radioactivity.
Along with clean energy, the electrical grid will be emphasized and public opinion will shift quickly to a progressive ideology. Finally….What can each of us do to ensure the quality and protection of water?
The Inauguration chart looks erratic. I am sure protests/reactions in the face of what seems to be the most sobering time of the pandemic for the US. I am afraid this day will bring us a round of unusual drama, that is more like 2020 than what I see going forward.
Soon after January 20-21 Mars, planet of war and action meets rebel Uranus and challenges Jupiter, the king. This is a harsh aspect with a charge to it that will require an action. It has the possibility to affect our financial system and the economy. Perhaps there is a difficulty with vaccine supply, something is exaggerated, over promised and the bubble will pop under pressure. Extreme frustration joins willpower in an explosive match-up. It is impossible to predict with Uranus, who is unpredictable, always sideways and out-of-the blue. I see it as a turning point. The evolution/revolution will spark forcing the winds of change.
To give you a visual here are the Sabian Symbols for that aspect:
A bridge being built meets pure ambition
Window shoppers oppose performers of a mystery play visualizing community
Pay attention to these dates personally, too. What comes up will create a theme and draw your awareness to an area of life that needs attention. Uranus the planet of revolution will be squaring planets as they move through Aquarius this year making February a hot spot that will be activated here and again throughout the year but with less intensity after February. This will give us a flavor of the Aquarian rebel vs Aquarian visionary tug of war.
Saturn will square Uranus 3X a theme that plays out over the year.
Feb. 14 / June 14 / December 24, 2021
At the end of January and most of February- The Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn will all be in Aquarius. Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius bringing news and reversals, this gives him extra time to introduce Aquarian information…he will be announcing the Aquarian vision about to take hold. Listen to the themes as they are emerging.
After January and February the intensity gets turned down until late May. We get a chance to rest a bit. Whew!
Another dose of energy and intensity comes as eclipse season starts again. The eclipse season remains in Gemini and Sagitarius spotlighting information, law and religion. Ideas of Justice, Higher and lower education, and foreigners-Social Justice and Immigration will capture our attention during the summer. We aren’t done yet.
The dates for the eclipses are at the end of May into June and again in late November and December. To give you an idea about what they may hold I offer some visuals from Sabian symbols to see what comes to mind for you.
May and June 2021 eclipses: Gemini - Information
A radical magazine with radical information versus an old owl
A new beginning blends with a large archaic volume providing needed background information
November / December 2021: Sagitarius - Wisdom
A Spaniard serenading a Señorita in contrast to Indians making camp
A great Musician at his piano
All this energy downloading the end of May is quickly followed by almost all planets in Retrograde motion - whatever happens around this time will take quite a while to work out. Not much will move forward until October. The good news is we have a chance to re-evaluate our issues and make adjustments so the forward motion is in alignment. Don’t waste it. By December next year we should be in a very different place. A chance to become the master musician at his piano.
It looks like July has a lot of energy on fun, creativity, relationships and travel. If you are dreaming of a getaway, I advise planning it soon - everyone is going to be in need of some fun then and the stars say get to it!!
I put a positive slant on the information, and truly, I think 2021 is much better year. On a cautious side, with Air so predominant, hurricanes, tornadoes may be fiercer than usual. Also, Aquarius is the water bearer, as such he is associated with rain, flooding, especially regarding Agriculture.
As the air element will be prominent I expect air travel, the internet, Artificial Intelligence, social interactions, news and information to be themes that come to the forefront. Space exploration, the return of science, inventions and innovation. Medical breakthroughs and advances as well as Agricultural reform.
It is a remarkable time to be alive!! 2021 brings a hope and I believe a new consciousness is dawning. Think good, do good, be good. STAY CLOSE TO THE LIGHT.